Results: A MR phantom experiment showed that k-space anisotropy increased as a function of magneticfieldstrength.
In addition, the demagnetizing field effect from protonated solvents gains significance with the increase of the magneticfieldstrength.
The coupling doubling, however, is independent of the magneticfieldstrength and a signature feature of the 2Q coherence.
The dependency of MHD signals on magneticfieldstrength and electrode separation was well reflected by an analytical model.
The measured frequencies scale with the magneticfieldstrength and electron density as expected from the whistler dispersion relation.
"Oh, Field," he cried, "there's another matter.
Uso de magnetic field intensity em inglês
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) applied in magnetotherapy have frequency lower than 100 Hz and magneticfieldintensity ranging from 0.1 to 20 mT.